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Divorce Related Issues

Grandmother cooking with her grandchildren.

Grandparents’ Rights After Divorce: What You Need to Know in North Carolina

Life changes can often lead to the need for relocation, whether it’s due to a new job, a desire to be closer to family, or other personal reasons. But what if you have a child custody order in place? At Stallard & Bellof, we often hear from parents wondering if they can relocate with a […]

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Woman with her two young children packing boxes to move to another town. Can You Relocate with a Child Custody Order?

Can You Relocate with a Child Custody Order? Here’s What You Need to Know

Life changes can often lead to the need for relocation, whether it’s due to a new job, a desire to be closer to family, or other personal reasons. But what if you have a child custody order in place? At Stallard & Bellof, we often hear from parents wondering if they can relocate with a

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a person's hand on a door knob to open a brown wooden door

Ready to Divorce? 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pack Your Bags and Leave Right Away

Deciding to divorce is a significant, often overwhelming decision. In North Carolina, divorce proceedings require a one-year physical separation, prompting many to think about moving out of the marital home immediately. However, here are 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pack Your Bags and Leave Right Away: 1. Have You Established a Parenting Schedule? Before leaving, have

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Female Asian lawyer Getting Ready for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Lawyer

Getting Ready for Your First Meeting with a Divorce Lawyer

Starting the divorce process can be tough, but being well-prepared for your first meeting with a divorce lawyer can make things a bit easier. Here’s a simple guide on how to get ready and what to bring to ensure your meeting goes smoothly. Important Papers to Gather Before meeting with your lawyer, you should collect

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asian couple with their lawyer coming to agreement on their family business after divorce

What Happens to Your Family Business When You Get Divorced in North Carolina?

Getting divorced in North Carolina can be complex, especially when a family-owned business is involved. If you’re a small business owner, your business isn’t just a source of income—it’s something you’ve poured your heart, time, and money into. But what happens to this piece of your life if your marriage comes to an end? Your

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Child Custody Schedules in North Carolina - A calendar on a desk with a pen and a clock illustrating the concept of planning

Understanding Child Custody Schedules in North Carolina

Navigating the complexities of visitation and child custody schedules can be challenging for separated or divorced parents. Creating a custody and visitation schedule in North Carolina is essential to the parenting plan. This guide aims to clarify the different types of physical custody, detail the components of a custody arrangement, explore common schedules, and introduce

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A young man standing in the middle of a busy street. How to File for Divorce When You Can't Locate Your Spouse

How to File for Divorce When You Can’t Locate Your Spouse

Filing for divorce can already feel like a daunting process, and it becomes even more complex when you don’t know where your spouse is located. Similar to other legal actions, divorce requires that you notify your spouse about the lawsuit, a process formally known as serving them with “Process.” This notification is crucial because it

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four cheerful multicultural schoolkids smiling, running in front of the school building

Understanding Child Support and Private School Costs After a Divorce in North Carolina

Going through a divorce means making many changes, especially when it comes to money and taking care of your kids. If you’re a North Carolina parent, you might wonder how your child’s private school fees fit into the child support you’ll need to sort out. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand how the

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negotiation tips legal disputes two lawyers coming to agreement after negotiations

Discover the Secrets of Successful Negotiation in Legal Disputes from Family Attorneys

Negotiation is an ever-present part of our lives, whether it’s haggling over the price of a car or discussing the terms of a job offer. In most negotiations, the parties involved usually have common interests and work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. However, the dynamics change significantly when it comes to negotiation in

Discover the Secrets of Successful Negotiation in Legal Disputes from Family Attorneys Read More »

Separation in North Carolina. Woman removing wedding ring from finger

The First Step in Getting Divorced: Separation in North Carolina

Making the decision to end a marriage is never easy. It often involves a long and emotionally taxing process, and the first step in this journey can be crucial in setting the course for what lies ahead. If you find yourself in this situation in North Carolina, the first critical step toward getting a divorce

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