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Rebuilding Trust and Love: Defeating Parental Alienation Syndrome

Rebuilding Trust and Love: Defeating Parental Alienation Syndrome

Retroactive Child support. Happy young black mother embracing her laughing child

Divorce or separation is never easy, especially when children are involved. Amidst the emotional turmoil, parents may sometimes find themselves entangled in a phenomenon known as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). In this article, we’ll explore what PAS is, its impact on families, and how to address this distressing issue.

What is Parental Alienation Syndrome?

Parental Alienation Syndrome is when one parent, often called the “alienating parent,” engages in actions that influence their child to become estranged from the other parent, typically known as the “targeted parent.” This may manifest as the child showing hostility, disapproval, or a lack of affection towards the targeted parent. While all experts don’t officially recognize PAS as a psychological disorder, the impact is undeniable.

How Does Parental Alienation Syndrome Occur?

The alienation process typically unfolds through several stages. Let’s delve into these stages with some examples to illustrate the concept:

Disparagement: The alienating parent may make negative comments about the targeted parent in front of the child, intentionally or unintentionally. For instance, the alienating parent might say, “Your father is always late and doesn’t care about your schedule.” This continuous criticism plants the seed of doubt and negativity in the child’s mind.

Alignment: As the child absorbs these negative perspectives, the child may begin to align him or herself with the alienating parent. This can lead to a breakdown of their relationship with the targeted parent. The child may start echoing the disparaging comments, like telling the targeted parent, “Mom says you never listen to me. Maybe she’s right.” The child now feels a misplaced loyalty to the alienating parent.

Refusal of Contact: The child may refuse to see or spend time with the targeted parent, creating a significant rift in the parent-child bond. For example, the child may say, “I don’t want to visit Dad this weekend; he’s boring.” This refusal often stems from the child’s fear of displeasing the alienating parent, who may use tactics like emotional manipulation, guilt-tripping, or even threats to maintain control.

The Impact of Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation Syndrome has profound consequences for all parties involved:

Children: They suffer as they lose the opportunity to benefit from the love and support of both parents. The alienation process can lead to confusion, emotional distress, and long-lasting psychological scars. Children can experience feelings of guilt, sadness, and even anger as they feel torn between their parents.

Targeted Parent: They are deprived of their relationship with their child, causing pain and emotional turmoil. The legal system’s involvement may become necessary to restore their access to their child. Targeted parents often struggle with feelings of helplessness and despair as they watch their child drift away.

Alienating Parent: This parent, often struggling with their psychological issues, may not even recognize the harm they are causing their child and the targeted parent. They may genuinely believe they are acting in the child’s best interest. However, they, too, suffer the long-term consequences of PAS, as they perpetuate a toxic environment.

Taking Action

If you’re a parent who suspects that Parental Alienation Syndrome may be at play, here are some steps you can take:

Consult an Attorney: Understand your legal rights. Consult an attorney experienced in family law to guide you through the legal process and safeguard your relationship with your child. An attorney can help you file for modifications in custody arrangements, visitation, or parenting plans.

Seek Counseling: A counselor or therapist can help you rebuild the parent-child bond. A counselor can offer strategies to reconnect with your child, even if the alienation has persisted for some time. Family therapy can be particularly beneficial, as it addresses the issues within the family unit.

Act Swiftly: Parental Alienation Syndrome worsens with time. The longer the child and parent remain estranged, the more challenging it becomes to restore their relationship. Prompt action is crucial to prevent further deterioration of the parent-child bond.

Final Thoughts on Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome can have a devastating impact on families during or after a divorce or separation. While it’s a contentious concept in psychology and law, its effects are real. If you suspect PAS may be affecting your family, seek legal advice and counseling promptly. Restoring a healthy parent-child relationship is essential, ensuring your child’s well-being and happiness as they grow up in the challenging aftermath of divorce or separation. Remember that you’re not alone, and there are professionals who can help you navigate these difficult circumstances.

Picture of Carolyn Bellof

Carolyn Bellof

Carolyn Bellof is a Certified Family Law Specialist in North Carolina. She brings empathy and a personal understanding of loss and resilience to her clients, ensuring their legal needs are protected during emotionally challenging family law proceedings.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), and how does it happen?

Parental Alienation Syndrome is when one parent, often referred to as the “alienating parent,” engages in actions that influence their child to become estranged from the other parent, known as the “targeted parent.” This often unfolds through stages, starting with disparagement or negative comments about the targeted parent in front of the child. As the child aligns with these views and refuses contact with the targeted parent, a breakdown in the parent-child bond occurs.


2. What are the consequences of Parental Alienation Syndrome for children, targeted parents, and alienating parents?

Children: They suffer emotional distress and confusion, often feeling torn between their parents. PAS can lead to guilt, sadness, and long-lasting psychological scars.

Targeted Parents: They experience emotional turmoil, helplessness, and despair as they watch their child drift away.

Alienating Parents: They may not even realize the harm they’re causing and often suffer from underlying psychological problems, perpetuating a toxic environment.


3. How can I take action if I suspect Parental Alienation Syndrome is affecting my family?

If you suspect PAS is affecting your family, consider these steps:

Consult an Attorney: Understand your legal rights, consult a family law attorney, and explore options for modifying custody arrangements or visitation.

Seek Counseling: A counselor or therapist can help rebuild the parent-child bond through strategies and family therapy.

Act Swiftly: The longer the estrangement persists, the harder it becomes to restore the relationship. Prompt action is crucial.


4. Can Parental Alienation Syndrome be legally addressed?

Yes, it can. Courts recognize the harm of PAS and can take measures to address it. Legal action may involve modifying custody agreements, visitation schedules, or parenting plans to restore the relationship between the child and the targeted parent.


5. Can a parent-child relationship be rebuilt after Parental Alienation Syndrome has occurred for an extended period?

Yes, rebuilding the relationship is possible, even if PAS has persisted for some time. With the help of counselors or therapists experienced in family dynamics, targeted parents can work to reconnect with their child. The process may take time and patience but can be highly effective in restoring a healthy parent-child bond.

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