Practice Areas - Civil No-Contact Orders

Civil No-Contact Orders in North Carolina:
Protects a victim from their abuser

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Civil No-Contact Orders

No-contact orders are similar to domestic violence protective orders but apply to circumstances where the victim and perpetrator do not have a “personal relationship.” They are also called “50C” orders after the North Carolina General Statutes chapter governing such an order.

A no-contact order protects a victim of nonconsensual sexual conduct or stalking from their abuser.

What does stalking mean according to North Carolina law?

Stalking means that on more than one occasion, the perpetrator has followed or otherwise harassed (as defined in G.S. 14-277.3A(b)(2)) the victim without legal purpose and with the intent to either:

  • Place the victim in reasonable fear either for their safety or the safety of their immediate family/close personal associates and/or
  • Cause the victim to suffer substantial emotional distress by placing them in fear of death, bodily injury, or continued harassment, which in fact, causes them substantial emotional distress.

What could be included in a No-Contact Order?

When a victim files a complaint for a 50C, a hearing will be set so both parties can present their case to the judge. If a court finds that the victim has suffered nonconsensual sexual conduct or stalking, the court may issue a temporary or permanent civil no-contact order. In addition, an order may include any of the following types of relief:

  1. Order the respondent not to visit, assault, molest, or otherwise interfere with the victim.
  2. Order the respondent to cease stalking the victim, including at the victim’s workplace.
  3. Order the respondent to cease harassment of the victim.
  4. Order the respondent not to abuse or injure the victim.
  5. Order the respondent not to contact the victim by telephone, written communication, or electronic means.
  6. Order the respondent to refrain from entering or remaining present at the victim’s residence, school, place of employment, or other specified places at times when the victim is present.
  7. Order other relief deemed necessary and appropriate by the court, including assessing attorneys’ fees to either party.

No-contact orders can be entered for a fixed time of up to one year.

For good cause, a court can renew the order for a fixed period not to exceed two years.

A knowing violation of a no-contact order is punishable as contempt of court which may result in a fine or imprisonment.

Are you having difficulties with someone and need assistance to obtain a no-contact order?

Here are some other resources you might find useful:

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